At The Animal Doctors, we have a complete in-house laboratory, equipped to perform simple and complex tests, ranging from serum biochemistry, full blood counts, electrolyte and blood gas measurements, hormone levels (cortisol levels and thyroid levels), rapid antigen and antibody tests kits (including Parvovirus, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus or FIV and Feline Leukaemia Virus or FeLV, Distemper, Canine and Feline Heartworm, Feline Coronavirus), blood smears, faecal examinations, microscopy and blood typing. We can also perform urinalysis and urine sediment exams to check for occult urinary tract infections or crystalluria.
In addition, we can perform measurement of urine protein to allow for early diagnosis of renal diseases. Most blood test results are available on the same day and many are available within half an hour, which facilitates prompt diagnosis especially in emergency situations. Organ failures can be detected early and management regimes instituted. Monitoring organ function is also made easy with blood tests. Specialised blood tests and histopathology services not available as in-house tests at our clinic are sent to external veterinary laboratories.